Virginia Odell was a former resident of the Town of Mount Pleasant whose thoughtfulness and generosity has made a huge difference to the Library.
The Library has announced the creation of the Virginia Odell Legacy. The legacy will be used to support Library services that benefit the community of the Town of Mount Pleasant and the Village of Pleasantville.
“We are delighted to be able to make this announcement”, said Director John Fearon. “The thoughtfulness and generosity of Ms. Odell will allow us to widen the range and breadth of services that we can offer.”
“It is with pleasure that we can notify our patrons of the Virginia Odell Legacy and her unwavering support of the Mt. Pleasant Public Library” said Board President Emil Muccin. “Through her generosity we were able to make a substantial purchase of eBooks during this pandemic crisis. We are forever grateful to Ms. Odell and her family for her sincere thoughtfulness in assisting the library and our community”.
Virginia Odell was a long-term Mount Pleasant resident and user, and supporter, of the Mount Pleasant Public Library. Ms Odell graduated from White Plains High School and attended Mercy College and Pace University. She worked for IBM for 31 years, retiring as a Program Manager for Corporate Contributions.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic the Library was able to purchase an additional $150,000 of eBooks for its patrons as a result of the thoughtfulness of Ms. Odell. The Board is planning a significant portion of the balance of the Legacy to help fund future capital improvements.